For beginners

Based on how we conjugate verbs in the past simple and the past participle, they can be divided into two types: Regular verbs and Irregular verbs.

"Regular and Irregular Verbs" in English Grammar

What Are Regular Verbs?

Regular verbs follow a consistent pattern when used in different tenses. They usually get '-ed' at the end to form the past tense of the verb. Here is a table of some of the most common regular verbs:

Past Tense
Ask asked
Talk talked
Call called
Play played
Start started
Watch watched
Change changed

Check out some examples:

She played basketball back then.

She changed the house keys.

We talked to him yesterday.

'work' is a regular verb

What Are Irregular Verbs?

Irregular verbs do not follow a fixed rule when forming the past tense. Here are some of the most common irregular verbs:

Past Tense
Be was/were
Do did
Break broke
Eat ate
Get got
Go went
Make made

Now, let's see these verbs in action:

She went to the market yesterday.

I made some tea for myself.

He ate all the cookies.


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Verbs are one of the most necessary elements to make a sentence. In fact, without a verb, we cannot have a meaningful sentence.

Actions and States

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'I'm loving it!' or 'I love it!' Do you want to know which one of these famous advertisement mottos are correct? You got to learn about state and action verbs!

Auxiliary Verbs

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Auxiliary verbs help the main verb to express tense or voice or help make questions and negative sentences. That's why they're also called 'helping verbs'.

Phrasal Verbs

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Phrasal verbs are used very commonly in English, even more so in informal situations. Phrasal verbs consist of a verb and a preposition or a particle.

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

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'She smiled beautifully'. 'She started a rumor'. One of these sentences has an intransitive verb and one has a transitive one. Want to know the difference?

Ditransitive Verbs

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Ditransitive verbs are transitive verbs that take two objects. A direct object and an indirect object. Follow the article to read more about them.
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