These two words are different as their meanings require.

"Each" vs. "All" in the English Grammar

What Are Their Main Differences?

'All' refers to the entire group as a whole, while 'each' refers to individuals in a group. In other words, 'all' refers to a total number, while 'each' refers to all members but individually, we can say you think of them one by one.


Singular or Plural Nouns?

  • 'Each':

is followed by a singular noun. As a result, 'each' is used with a singular verb.

Yesterday, I visited each manager who was in charge of this project.

Each jar of jam is put on the shelf next to each others.

  • 'All':

is followed by a plural countable noun or an uncountable noun. As a result, we are allowed to use either a singular or a plural noun with the term all based on the noun we used after 'all.' Mostly, 'all' is immediately followed by a plural noun to say that the following sentence is true for all kinds generally.

Where did you place all that honey?

All cars are in the parking lot.

'After All'

You might have seen this phrase in many contexts.The key point is that 'after all' do not mean 'at last.' The phrase 'after all' can have two different meanings. The first one means despite everything that had happened something is going to happen. In this case, 'after all,' is usually used at the end of a sentence. Another meaning of 'after all' is: that it is good to be remarked. In this case, it is usually used at the beginning of a sentence.

I am not going to her party, after all we are not on talking terms.

They wiil marry on September the third, after all.

'All Day' & 'Each Day'

These two phrases are totally different in their meanings. The phrase 'all day' means 'from morning till night.' The phrase 'each day' means it is not important which day we mean it can be any individual day of the week, month, year, etc.

We spent all day together.

We will start working on each day you choose.

'Everybody' & 'All'

Do not use 'all' alone as the subject of a sentence when you mean everyone. Instead, you can use 'everybody'. Check out the example for more clarification.

Everybody knows Bradley Cooper. (Not "All knows Bradley Cooper.")


'Each' is not used in negative sentences, we can use 'either' instead of 'each' in negative sentences. But the negative form of the term 'all' is 'not all'. Check out the examples for more clarification.

I couldn't choose between either of them. (Not "I couldn't choose between each of them.")

Not all the girls are loyal and committed.


  • 'All of' and 'each of':

are used commonly before determiners (noun phrases) and pronouns. We cannot use a plural noun immediately after 'each.' As a result, we use this structure: [ each of + determiner + plural noun] or [each of + plural pronoun]. On the other hand, although we can use a plural noun immediately after the term 'all', we can also use them in this structure: [all of + determiner + plural noun] or [all of + plural pronoun].

All of the sea foods were put on different aisles.

The teacher gave each of them two pieces of papers to write their answers.

  • Both 'each' and 'all' can be:
  1. Determiners
  2. Adverbs
  3. Pronouns

'All' and 'each' are considered determiners, which means that we can use them before nouns. Based on their grammatical rules we use different kinds of nouns after 'each' and 'all.' As Adverbs, they are used in the common mid-position of adverbs. 'All' and 'each' as pronouns are not immediately followed by a noun. 'All' as a pronoun is used after auxiliary verbs and before one-word main verbs.

All leaves fell off the trees. → determiner

They were well-organized on each raw. → determiner

All is put on the shelves. → pronoun

I have written each of my books in almost one year. → pronoun

The old lady walked all alone in the park. → adverb

I will give you five chocolates each. → adverb


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Other vs. Others

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Other and others have a delicate difference that is easy to understand within a context.

Each vs. Every

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It is usually correct to use both, ‘each’ or ‘every’, but they have slightly different meanings.

Each vs. Both

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'Both' and 'each' have two different meanings which makes them easy to understand.

Each vs. Each Of

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Actually, these two words mean the same, but they are used in different situations.

Each vs. Either

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Actually, either and each are misused a lot. Let us get to know them and clarify their differences.

Several vs. Few

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Several and few are similar in their meanings, but there is a slight difference between them.
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