Solutions - Intermediate - Unit 3 - 3A - Part 2
Here you will find the vocabulary from Unit 3 - 3A - Part 2 in the Solutions Intermediate coursebook, such as "treatment", "bandage", "nosebleed", etc.
the part of the body between the ribs and hips, which is usually narrower than the parts mentioned
a drug that is used to destroy bacteria or stop their growth, like Penicillin
a thick substance with a semi-solid consistency, often used for moisturizing and providing a soothing effect when applied to the skin
the field of science that is concerned with treating injuries and diseases
an unexpected and unpleasant event that happens by chance, usually causing damage or injury
to accidentally hit or get hit by something that injures or damages a part of one's body
to become damaged and separated into pieces because of a blow, shock, etc.
to make injuries, particularly ones caused by a blow appear on the skin and cause discoloration
to accidentally wound and hurt yourself or others, especially with a sharp object, causing the skin to break and bleed