ثبات - بذل قصارى جهده
أتقن التعابير الإنجليزية التي تتعلق ببذل قصارى جهدك، مثل "اذهب إلى أقاصي الأرض" و"تمثال نصفي".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
to put an extreme or great amount of effort into achieving or doing something
to do whatever it takes to do or achieve something, even if it is not easy
to do everything one can in order to achieve a goal, particularly when it involves finding or looking for something
to try extremely hard and do everything that one is capable of in order to succeed in something
to try very hard and do everything that is possible to succeed in something
to succeed or try to succeed in doing something that often demands more power, ability, money, etc. than one has
to use all of one's energy, resources, determination, or strength to do something
to put in more effort than what is expected or required of one in order to do or achieve something
to put as much effort as possible into doing something, particularly something difficult
used to state that even if someone failed to succeed, they tried their best
to make effort to do something in the best possible way