
كتاب Headway - متقدم - الكلمة الأخيرة (الوحدة الثامنة)

ستجد هنا المفردات من وحدة الكلمة الأخيرة 8 في كتاب دورة Headway Advanced، مثل "التحدث مع الآخرين"، و"chockablock"، و"clear as mud"، وما إلى ذلك.




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Headway - Advanced
accidents will happen in the best of families

used to imply that even the most careful or well-prepared people or families can still experience unexpected mishaps or mistakes

سوف تقع الحوادث في أفضل العائلات

سوف تقع الحوادث في أفضل العائلات

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actions speak louder than words

used to say that people's actions show their true intentions or beliefs more clearly than their words

الأعمال أعلى صوتا من الكلمات

الأعمال أعلى صوتا من الكلمات

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a fate worse than death

something that is really terrible to experience

مصير أسوأ من الموت

مصير أسوأ من الموت

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behind every great man (there) stands a woman

used to suggest that the success of a man is often due to the support, hard work, and sacrifices of a woman in his life

وراء كل رجل عظيم امرأة

وراء كل رجل عظيم امرأة

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all in a day's work

something that is a typical or normal part of a person's job

جزء عادي من العمل

جزء عادي من العمل

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to have one's cake and eat it (too)

to desire to have two things that are impossible to have without sacrificing the other

يريد شيئين في نفس الوقت

يريد شيئين في نفس الوقت

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(as) clear as mud

used to describe something that is complicated due to not being clearly described or shown

غير واضح للغاية

غير واضح للغاية

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after one's own heart

used to describe someone who shares the same qualities, preferences, or values as the person being referred to, often expressing approval or admiration for their similar mindset or behavior

مشابه لشخص آخر

مشابه لشخص آخر

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boys will be boys

used to excuse or dismiss negative behavior by boys or men, with the implication that it is simply part of their nature

الاولاد سيظلون اولادا

الاولاد سيظلون اولادا

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at the end of the day

used before stating the most important fact about a particular situation

في النهاية

في النهاية

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blast from the past

the unexpected appearance or remebrance of a person or thing that evokes nostalgic feelings within one

انفجار من الماضي

انفجار من الماضي

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no pain, no gain

used for saying that without working hard and experiencing difficulties, one cannot achieve anything

لا ألم, لا ربح

لا ألم, لا ربح

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better safe than sorry

used to suggest that it is preferable to take precautions and be cautious in order to avoid problems or regret later on

أفضل آمنة من آسف

أفضل آمنة من آسف

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bad things come in threes

used to suggest that misfortune or bad luck often happens in groups of three, and when one negative event occurs, two more will follow

الأشياء السيئة تأتي في الثلاثات

الأشياء السيئة تأتي في الثلاثات

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good things come in threes

used to suggest that good things often happen in groups of three

الأشياء الجيدة تأتي في الثلاثات

الأشياء الجيدة تأتي في الثلاثات

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like father, like son

used to say that a son's behavior or qualities are similar to those of his father

مثل الأب، مثل الابن

مثل الأب، مثل الابن

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it takes all sorts to make a world

used to imply that diversity and individual differences among people are necessary for the world to function and thrive

better late than never

used to mean that it is better to take action or complete a task, even if it is delayed, rather than not doing it at all

أن تأتي متأخرا أفضل من ألا تأتي أبدا

أن تأتي متأخرا أفضل من ألا تأتي أبدا

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just what the doctor ordered

something that is exactly what is needed or required in a certain situation

بالضبط ما هو مطلوب

بالضبط ما هو مطلوب

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do not do anything (that) I would not (do)

used to advise someone to behave responsibly and not engage in risky or questionable behavior

لا تفعل أي شيء لن أفعله

لا تفعل أي شيء لن أفعله

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to be not for sb to say

to believe that it is not someone's place to make a decision or judgment on a particular matter and that it should be left to others who are more qualified or have more authority to do so

لا يكون لأحد أن يقول

لا يكون لأحد أن يقول

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to be damned if sb do , damned if sb do not

to be in a difficult situation where any decision or action taken may result in negative consequences, no matter what choice is made

ملعون إذا فعل شخص ما، ملعون إذا لم يفعل شخص ما

ملعون إذا فعل شخص ما، ملعون إذا لم يفعل شخص ما

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the mind boggle

used to convey surprise, shock, or disbelief in response to something that is difficult to comprehend or absurd

حيرة العقل

حيرة العقل

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to not bear thinking about

to be so unpleasant, disturbing, or frightening that it is difficult to even consider or imagine

لا تتحمل التفكير

لا تتحمل التفكير

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to shop till sb drop

to shop to the point of exhaustion or until one collapses

horses for courses

used to imply that different people are suited to different things, and what works well for one person may not work well for another

meet and greet

an event or service where a person, such as a celebrity, politician, or businessperson, meets and interacts with members of the public

التقاء و تحية

التقاء و تحية

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fair and square

done honestly, justly, or without disobeying any rules

عادلة تماما

عادلة تماما

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from zero to hero

used to say that someone or something has gone from a position of low status or obscurity to one of great success, fame, or popularity

من صفر إلى بطل

من صفر إلى بطل

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nearest and dearest

used to refer to one's closest and most intimate family members or friends

الأقرب والأعز

الأقرب والأعز

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use it or lose it

used to imply that if something is not used or practiced, it will be forgotten or taken away

إما أن تستعمله أو ستخسره

إما أن تستعمله أو ستخسره

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completely full or crowded to the point of congestion or blockage



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to walk the talk

to actually do what one claims or preaches, and not just talk about it

المشي الحديث

المشي الحديث

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to name and shame

to publicly identify and criticize individuals or organizations for engaging in inappropriate or unethical behavior in order to hold them accountable for their actions or punish them

الاسم والعار

الاسم والعار

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