کتاب 'هدوی' پیشرفته - آخرین کلمه (واحد 8)
در اینجا واژگان The Last Word Unit 8 را در کتاب دوره پیشرفته Headway پیدا خواهید کرد، مانند "walk the talk"، "chockablock"، "clear as mud"، و غیره.
املای کلمه
used to imply that even the most careful or well-prepared people or families can still experience unexpected mishaps or mistakes

اتفاقات بد برای هر کسی ممکن است پیش بیاید
used to say that people's actions show their true intentions or beliefs more clearly than their words

دو صد گفته چون نیم کردار نیست
something that is really terrible to experience

تجربه ناگوار, وضع وخیم، سرنوشتی تلختر از مرگ
used to suggest that the success of a man is often due to the support, hard work, and sacrifices of a woman in his life

پشت هر مرد موفقی یک زن موفق ایستاده است
something that is a typical or normal part of a person's job

کار هرروز کسی بودن (اشاره به آسان بودن چیزی)
to desire to have two things that are impossible to have without sacrificing the other

خدا و خرما را باهم خواستن
used to describe something that is complicated due to not being clearly described or shown

مبهم, نامشخص
used to describe someone or something that perfectly matches one's tastes, values, or preferences

مثل خود
used to excuse or dismiss negative behavior by boys or men, with the implication that it is simply part of their nature

از مردها انتظار دیگری هم نمیرود, مردها همین هستند
used before stating the most important fact about a particular situation

در نهایت, در آخر
the unexpected appearance or remebrance of a person or thing that evokes nostalgic feelings within one

هر چیز یا شخص خاطرهانگیز
used for saying that without working hard and experiencing difficulties, one cannot achieve anything

نابرده رنج گنج میسر نمیشود, باید سختی کشید تا به نتیجه رسید
used to suggest that it is preferable to take precautions and be cautious in order to avoid problems or regret later on

کار از محکمکاری عیب نمیکند, احتیاط بهتر از پشیمانی در آخر کار است
used to suggest that misfortune or bad luck often happens in groups of three, and when one negative event occurs, two more will follow

از آسمان مصیبت باریدن
used to suggest that good things often happen in groups of three

خوشبختی به کسی رو کردن
used to say that a son's behavior or qualities are similar to those of his father

پدر و پسر مثل هم هستند
used to imply that diversity and individual differences among people are necessary for the world to function and thrive

جهان بر پایه تنوع برپاست
used to mean that it is better to take action or complete a task, even if it is delayed, rather than not doing it at all

دیرتر بهتر از هرگز است
something that is exactly what is needed or required in a certain situation

همان چیزی که مورد نیاز است, همان چیزی که فرد میخواهد
used to advise someone to behave responsibly and not engage in risky or questionable behavior

کاری نکن که از کرده خود پشیمان شوی
to believe that it is not someone's place to make a decision or judgment on a particular matter and that it should be left to others who are more qualified or have more authority to do so

در جایگاه قضاوت قرار نداشتن
to be in a difficult situation where any decision or action taken may result in negative consequences, no matter what choice is made

نه راه پس داشتن نه راه پیش داشتن
used to convey surprise, shock, or disbelief in response to something that is difficult to comprehend or absurd

مغز کسی سوت کشیدن, در ذهن کسی نگنجیدن، در ناباوری بودن
to be so unpleasant, disturbing, or frightening that it is difficult to even consider or imagine

حتی تحمل فکر کردن به چیزی را هم نداشتن
to shop to the point of exhaustion or until one collapses

تا جان داشتن خرید کردن
used to imply that different people are suited to different things, and what works well for one person may not work well for another

هر کسی را بهر کاری ساختند
an event or service where a person, such as a celebrity, politician, or businessperson, meets and interacts with members of the public

دیدار و گفتگو
done honestly, justly, or without disobeying any rules

کاملا عادلانه, طبق قوانین، منصفانه
used to say that someone or something has gone from a position of low status or obscurity to one of great success, fame, or popularity

از فرش به عرش
used to refer to one's closest and most intimate family members or friends

عزیزان و نزدیکان
used to imply that if something is not used or practiced, it will be forgotten or taken away

یا استفاده کن یا میپره از دستت
to actually do what one claims or preaches, and not just talk about it

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