كتاب Insight - ابتدائي - الوحدة 7 - 7د
ستجد هنا مفردات الوحدة 7 - 7 د في كتاب Insight Elementary الدراسي، مثل "كدمة"، و"دوار"، و"التهاب الحلق"، وما إلى ذلك.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
a drug that is used to destroy bacteria or stop their growth, like Penicillin

مضاد حيوي, دواء مضاد للبكتيريا

(of a thing) physically divided into pieces, because of being damaged, dropped, etc.

مكسور, محطم

a change in skin color or condition caused by exposure to the sun's rays, resulting in a reddish or brownish appearance

حروق, حروق الشمس

a mild disease that we usually get when viruses affect our body and make us cough, sneeze, or have fever

نزلة برد, زكام

unable to keep one's balance and feeling as though everything is circling around one, caused by an illness or looking down from a high place

دوار, مترنح

a small medical dressing that one can stick over a wound or cut in order to keep it clean and protect it

لاصقة, شاش لاصق

a condition when you feel pain in the throat, usually caused by bacteria or viruses

التهاب الحلق, ألم الحلق

a condition in which a person's nostrils are full and they have difficulty breathing through their nose

أنف مسدود, ازدحام الأنف

an injury on the skin that appears as a dark mark, caused by a blow involving the rupture of vessels underneath

كدمة, إصابة

an illness that causes a runny nose and watery eyes, caused by dust from plants that come into the body through the air

حمى القش, التهاب الأنف التحسسي

a part of one's skin covered with red spots, which is usually caused by a sickness or an allergic reaction

طفح جلدي, هرش

having a value or level greater than usual or expected, often in terms of numbers or measurements

مرتفع, عالٍ