فنون الأداء - الرقص الشعبي والاحتفالي
ستتعلم هنا بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالرقص الشعبي والاحتفالي مثل "رقصة البولكا" و"الرومبا" و"رقصة السيف".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
a lively folk dance, originating from Scottish or Irish traditions, characterized by quick and intricate steps performed in a circular or line formation, often accompanied by traditional music

ريل, رقصة شعبية

a lively folk dance, originating from Irish or Scottish traditions, characterized by quick and rhythmic movements, often performed in groups and accompanied by traditional music

جغ, رقصة حيوية

a traditional masked dance performed in Tibet and Bhutan, often associated with Buddhist religious ceremonies

رقصة تشام, رقصة تشام المقنعة

a lively solo dance, originally of English origin, characterized by intricate footwork and performed to hornpipe music, often featuring sailors' movements and gestures

هورنبايب, رقصة البحارة

a traditional Scottish dance characterized by intricate footwork, typically performed solo and featuring lively movements such as leaps, kicks, and turns

رقصة المرتفعات, رقصة اسكتلندية

a traditional English folk dance characterized by rhythmic stepping, intricate formations, and the use of bells, handkerchiefs, sticks, or swords as props

رقصة موريس, موريس

a lively Italian folk dance, traditionally associated with the southern regions of Italy, characterized by quick, upbeat tempo and rhythmic footwork


a traditional Bavarian folk dance characterized by slapping the thighs, knees, and shoes in a rhythmic pattern

شوهبلاتر, رقصة فولكلورية بافارية

a Ukrainian folk dance known for its energetic and acrobatic movements, typically performed by male dancers

هوباك, رقصة شعبية أوكرانية

a traditional dance style from Ireland characterized by fast footwork, precise movements, and rhythmic patterns, often performed in solo or group settings

رقصة إيرلندية, رقصة الخطوة الإيرلندية

a traditional folk dance from the Black Sea region of Turkey known for its energetic and fast-paced movements

هورون (رقصة تقليدية), هورون (رقص شعبي)

a traditional Scottish dance performed with a dirk, which is a type of Scottish dagger

رقصة ديرك, رقصة اسكتلندية تقليدية بسكين الديرك

a form of dance performed as part of a ceremonial or religious ritual, often with symbolic gestures and movements that hold cultural or spiritual significance

رقص طقوسي, رقص احتفالي

a form of expressive movement often associated with religious or spiritual practices, where dancers interpret and express messages or prophecies through their movements

رقصة نبوية, رقصة روحية

a form of dance performed as part of a religious or worship ceremony with specific liturgical elements and symbolism

رقص ليتورجي, رقصة عبادية

a traditional Maori dance characterized by vigorous movements, chanting, and facial expressions, often performed as a ceremonial challenge or war dance


a Japanese ritual dance performed as an offering to the gods, often involving music, chanting, and elaborate costumes

كاغورا, رقصة كاغورا

a ceremonial dance performed by warriors before battle, often to intimidate opponents or to prepare mentally for combat

رقصة الحرب, رقصة عسكرية

a traditional dance where dancers perform intricate footwork while balancing eggs on spoons or other objects

رقصة البيض, رقصة البيض على ملعقة

a lively and communal style of dance, typically performed by couples in groups, featuring energetic movements and often accompanied by folk music

رقصة قروية, رقصة شعبية

a type of Canadian Métis dance characterized by lively fiddle music and intricate footwork

رقصة نهر الأحمر, جدول نهر الأحمر

a slow-paced ballroom dance style originating from Latin America, characterized by smooth hip movements, romantic melodies, and influences from Afro-Cuban rhythms

الرومبا, الرقصة الرومبا

a traditional Italian folk dance originating from the Friuli region, often performed in a circle with lively music and intricate footwork


a Scottish country dance performed in sets of six dancers with various formations and lively steps to traditional Scottish music

الرقيب الأبيض المتألق, الرقيب الأبيض الرشيق

a lively and fast-paced Scottish country dance characterized by quick steps, formations, and movements typically performed to traditional Scottish music

إكوسيس, رقصة إسكتلندية

a traditional Scottish dance that originated in the early 20th century

رقصة غاي غوردونز, غاي غوردونز (رقصة)

a ceremonial dance performed by certain Native American tribes, believed to summon the spirits of the dead

رقصة الأشباح, رقصة الأرواح

a traditional Ukrainian dance characterized by its lively and energetic movements, typically performed by male dancers with acrobatic leaps and kicks

غوباك, رقصة غوباك

a lively and energetic dance, often associated with country or folk music, typically characterized by stomping, clapping, and lively movements, often performed in a group or line formation

رقصة شعبية, رقصة جماعية

a traditional Hawaiian dance form performed by women, characterized by rhythmic hip movements and gestures, often accompanied by chant or song

هولا, رقصة هولا

a lively and energetic form of swing dance, popularized in the United States during the mid-20th century, characterized by fast-paced movements, acrobatic lifts, and spins

جيترباج, رقصة جيترباج

a lively Ukrainian or Russian dance with energetic movements performed by male dancers

كازاتشوك, رقصة كازاتشوك

a traditional group dance, typically performed in sets, featuring specific figures and sequences, often associated with ballroom dancing

اللانسرز, رقصة اللانسرز

a traditional Austrian folk dance, characterized by a moderate tempo, lilting triple meter, and gentle hopping steps, often accompanied by accordion or other folk instruments

لاندلر, رقصة فولكلورية نمساوية

a piece of music for a slow Polish dance in moderate ³/₄ time that was popular in the 19th century


a ceremonial dance performed by Greek warriors, known for its quick and precise movements, often executed in full armor and accompanied by flute or drum music

الرقصة البييركية, الرقصة الحربية

a genre of Cuban dance and music characterized by its lively movements, syncopated rhythms, and Afro-Cuban influences

رمبا, رقص رمبا

a lively couples' dance of German origin, characterized by a combination of hopping, gliding, and turning movements


a ceremonial dance ritual characterized by a line of dancers moving in sinuous, winding patterns reminiscent of a snake's movements

رقصة الثعبان, رقصة ملتوية

music that is set to a Scottish slow dance in quadruple time, similar to a reel

استراتسبي, رقصة اسكتلندية

a traditional dance form often performed in various cultures, typically involving intricate movements with swords or other bladed objects, symbolizing bravery, skill, or cultural heritage

رقصة السيف, رقصة مع السيوف

a lively American folk dance performed by couples in a long line or set formation, characterized by energetic movements and weaving patterns

رقصة فرجينيا, رقصة شعبية فرجينيا

a style of percussive dance characterized by rhythmic footwork, often performed to traditional folk or country music

رقصة كلوجينغ

a sophisticated and spirited dance, originating from 18th-century France, known for its graceful movements, intricate patterns, and frequent partner changes

رقصة كنتر, رقصة مميزة