صفات تصف التجارب الحسية - صفات الملمس الخشن
تصف هذه الصفات الصفات اللمسية للأسطح غير المستوية أو الخشنة أو الكاشطة.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
juicy and firm in texture when describing a fruit or vegetable
مقرمش, طازج
having a surface that is covered with large, uneven, or rough rocks, stones, or boulders
الصخري, الحصى
made up of very fine particles, often dry and loose in texture
مسحوقي, بودري
having a texture that easily breaks into small, thin layers or pieces
رقائقي, قابل للتفتت
containing small holes or gaps, allowing liquid or air to pass through
مسامي, منفذ
(of glass) having a textured surface that diffuses light for privacy while still letting light through
مزجج, غير شفاف
having a thick consistency that clings to surfaces when in contact
لزج, ملتصق
having a texture that feels sharp, spiky, or rough to the touch
شائك, خشن
having a rough, irritating surface or texture that causes discomfort or irritation
خشنة, مزعج
covered with fine short hair or fibers, often giving a soft texture
زغب, غامض
twisted or knotted, often used to describe trees or branches
ملتوي, مربوط