Az Érzékszervi Tapasztalatokat Leíró Melléknevek - Durva textúrájú melléknevek
Ezek a melléknevek az egyenetlen, durva vagy koptató felületek tapintási tulajdonságait írják le.
juicy and firm in texture when describing a fruit or vegetable
ropogós, friss
having a surface that is covered with large, uneven, or rough rocks, stones, or boulders
sziklás, kődarabos
made up of very fine particles, often dry and loose in texture
por alakú, porózus
having a texture that easily breaks into small, thin layers or pieces
puharékos, réteges
having small, sticky lumps or irregularities in texture
göbölyű, göbölyű
containing small holes or gaps, allowing liquid or air to pass through
pórusos, áteresztő
having a surface with noticeable features or patterns
texturált, felületi
(of glass) having a textured surface that diffuses light for privacy while still letting light through
homályos, mat
having a thick consistency that clings to surfaces when in contact
ragadós, tapadós
having a texture that feels sharp, spiky, or rough to the touch
tüskés, durva
having a rough, irritating surface or texture that causes discomfort or irritation
durva, zavaró
covered with fine short hair or fibers, often giving a soft texture
puhos, zavaros
twisted or knotted, often used to describe trees or branches
csavarodott, csomós