
مهارات كلمات SAT 6 - الدرس 23




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
SAT Word Skills 6
to contort

to twist or bend something out of its normal or natural shape

تشويه, ثني

تشويه, ثني

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to fleet

to fade away gradually

تتلاشى, يختفي تدريجياً

تتلاشى, يختفي تدريجياً

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to purloin

to steal something, especially in a sneaky or deceitful manner

سرق, اقتنص

سرق, اقتنص

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to conduce

to contribute to a particular result or outcome

يساهم في, يعزز

يساهم في, يعزز

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to burlesque

to imitate something in a humorous or exaggerated manner

يمزح, يقلد بشكل ساخر

يمزح, يقلد بشكل ساخر

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to insult

to intentionally say or do something that disrespects or humiliates someone

تحقير, إهانة

تحقير, إهانة

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to surmount

to be positioned above or on top of something

يتجاوز, يتفوق

يتجاوز, يتفوق

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to endorse

to publicly state that one supports or approves someone or something

يدعم, يوافق

يدعم, يوافق

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to contrive

to cleverly come up with an idea, theory, or plan using creative thinking

تدبر, اخترع

تدبر, اخترع

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to wean

to detach or separate someone's affections or dependence from a particular person, thing, or habit

فصل, فصم

فصل, فصم

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to grate

to scratch or rub repeatedly against a surface, often causing irritation or annoyance

خدش, يزعج

خدش, يزعج

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to shunt

to move or transfer something, often with a sudden or forceful motion

نقل, تحويل

نقل, تحويل

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to sojourn

to stay or reside temporarily in a place

يقيم مؤقتًا, ينزل

يقيم مؤقتًا, ينزل

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to intrigue

to capture someone's interest or curiosity

يثير اهتمام, يجذب

يثير اهتمام, يجذب

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to oust

to remove someone from a position or place, often forcefully

إقصاء, طرد

إقصاء, طرد

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to lambaste

to criticize or reprimand severely and publicly

ينتقد بشدة, يوبخ

ينتقد بشدة, يوبخ

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to predispose

to make someone more susceptible or inclined to a particular condition or behavior

يميل إلى, يهيئ

يميل إلى, يهيئ

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to connote

to implicitly convey something such as an idea, feeling, etc. in addition to something's basic meaning

يتضمن, يعبر عن

يتضمن, يعبر عن

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to surpass

to exceed one's previous achievements or standards and reach a higher level of performance

يتجاوز, يفوق

يتجاوز, يفوق

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to madden

to make someone angry

يسخط, يغضب

يسخط, يغضب

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