to twist or bend something out of its normal or natural shape

verzwikken, verdraaien

to imitate something in a humorous or exaggerated manner

parodiëren, bespotten

to intentionally say or do something that disrespects or humiliates someone

beledigen, kwetsen

to publicly state that one supports or approves someone or something

ondersteunen, goedkeuren

to cleverly come up with an idea, theory, or plan using creative thinking

bedenken, ontwerpen

to detach or separate someone's affections or dependence from a particular person, thing, or habit

afbouwen, loskoppelen

to scratch or rub repeatedly against a surface, often causing irritation or annoyance

schuren, irriteren

to move or transfer something, often with a sudden or forceful motion

verplaatsen, overdragen

to make someone more susceptible or inclined to a particular condition or behavior

voorbeschikken, geneigd maken

to implicitly convey something such as an idea, feeling, etc. in addition to something's basic meaning

connote, impliceren