الأفعال العبارية باستخدام 'Into', 'To', 'About', & 'For' - أخرى (في)
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
to ask someone to come inside and join one at one's place
دعوة للدخول, طلب الدخول
to receive money or assets from someone who has passed away, typically through a will or legal inheritance
ورث, يستلم ميراث
to keep making someone upset or angry by consistently doing things that bother them
يؤثر سلبا, يستفز
to be able to be placed or inserted into a particular space or container
يتناسب مع, يندمج في
to require or involve a certain level of effort, resources, or work for a particular purpose or task
يتطلب, يضطلع ب
to use one thing or a particular quality to achieve success or gain a bigger or better thing
تحويل إلى, استغلال في
to connect an electrical device to a power source by inserting its plug into an outlet
توصيل إلى, ربط بـ
to assume there is more meaning in a situation, statement, etc. than what is directly expressed
يفسر الأمور بشكل مبالغ فيه, يقرأ ما بين السطور
to unexpectedly face a difficult situation or problem
يصطدم ب, يواجه
to convince someone to do something they do not want to do
إقناع, حثّ
to start listening to or watching a specific program by adjusting the radio or television
ضبط على, استمع إلى
to focus deeply on a subject or issue for a complete examination
يتعمق في, ينغمس في
to briefly or casually read a part of a book, article, or written material
تصفح, قراءة سريعة
to investigate or explore something in order to gather information or understand it better
التحقيق في, استكشاف
to invest a specific amount of time or effort into an activity or task with dedication
يستثمر في, يخصص ل
to invest in a company by purchasing its stocks or shares
الاستثمار في, شراء أسهم
to invest a significant amount of money into something continuously or over an extended period
ضخ مبالغ كبيرة في, استثمر مبالغ كبيرة في