Appearance - وصف المظاهر الذكورية
هنا ستتعلم بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية التي تصف المظهر الذكوري مثل "قلب يدق" و "فاتن" و "رجل جذاب".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
a man who is considered very appealing by women
مغناطيس الجمال, رجل جذاب
a man who is perceived as exceptionally attractive, often with physical features and qualities that are considered appealing or desirable
إله, جذاب
a male celebrity who is considered to be sexually appealing by many women
مغرم, فتى الأحلام
a man who is very charming, attractive, and popular among women, often having many romantic relationships
رجل نساء, دون جوان
a man who takes advantage of women because of his appealing appearance
مغازل, فتى جذاب
a young man who is charming and romantic, often seen as being attractive to women
الشاب الرومانسي, فتى محبوب
a young attractive man who is considered to be the perfect boyfriend or husband
الأمير الساحر, الأمير المثالي
describing a woman who is perceived to have masculine traits or characteristics
ذكورية, ذكرية
(particularly of a man) handsome, stylish and full of confidence
أنيق, وسيم
a highly desirable or attractive person, especially a man
فارس الأحلام, صورة الجمال
(of a man) being well-built, strong and sexually appealing
جذاب, قوي البنية