اللغة الإنجليزية والمعرفة العالمية ACT - الصوت والحجم
ستتعلم هنا بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالصوت والحجم، مثل "bellow" و"minutive" و"shreek" وما إلى ذلك، والتي ستساعدك على إتقان أعمالك.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
a sharp and piercing sound, typically from music, a horn, or other sources, often characterized by its intensity and lack of subtlety

ضجيج, صياح

a distinct and repetitive sound characterized by rapid and sharp vibrations, often caused by objects shaking or moving loosely

رنة, اهتزاز

the gentle and rhythmic sound produced by liquid flowing or moving through a narrow passage, often with a bubbling or murmuring quality

خرخرة, جبلجة

the sharp, popping sound produced by the rapid expansion or combustion of materials, often associated with fire or heating

فرقعة, ت crackle

a deep, loud, and resonant sound, often produced by a human or an animal, conveying strength or intensity

هدير, زمجرة

a high-pitched, squeaking sound, typically produced by something wooden or metallic when under pressure or movement

ص creak ف, صوت الصرير

the rhythm or flow of sound in speech or music, often characterized by the rise and fall of pitch and the length of syllables or notes

إيقاع, نغم

the perceived highness or lowness of a sound, determined by the frequency of the sound waves

علو الصوت, نغمة

to resound or echo with a deep, prolonged sound, often creating a lasting impression or effect

يتردد, يصدح

to produce a discordant, harsh, and ringing sound, typically caused by the clashing or rattling of metallic objects

يدق, يُحدث جلبة

overly impressive in size or appearance, often to the point of being excessive or showy in a negative way

مبهر, ضخم

not impressive, significant, or noteworthy in appearance, size, or manner

غير مهيب, بسيط

the measurable size of phenomena such as distance, mass, speed, luminosity, etc. based on quantitative scale

حجم, شدة