Přídavná Jména Hodnoty a Významu - Významná adjektiva
Tato přídavná jména nám umožňují vyjádřit, do jaké míry má něco hodnotu, důležitost nebo význam v konkrétním kontextu nebo situaci.
important or great enough to be noticed or have an impact
playing a crucial role or serving as a key point of reference
well-known or easily recognizable due to importance, influence, or distinct features
having the leading or primary position in terms of significance, importance, or rank
essential or fundamental, regularly used in a particular context
deserving of time, effort, or attention due to inherent value or benefits
deserving of attention due to importance, excellence, or notable qualities
greatest in terms of significance, importance, degree, or achievement
essential and highly important to a particular process, situation, or outcome
having a distinctive or crucial role in determining the nature, essence, or characteristics of something
having a significant effect or influence, often producing a strong impression or result
being crucial in shaping or impacting the progress, evolution, or direction of a particular field, idea, or concept