Všeobecný Trénink IELTS (Pásmo 8 a Výše) - Společnost a společenské akce
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovíčka související se společností a společenskými událostmi, která jsou nezbytná pro zkoušku General Training IELTS.
a draining and stressful lifestyle that consists of constantly competing with others for success, wealth, power, etc. and so leaving no room for rest and pleasure

potkaní závod, náročný životní styl

a state of having no moral or social principles

anomie, absence morálních principů

a system that divides the people of a society into different social classes based on their wealth, privilage, or profession

kastovní systém, kasta

a social club for female students in a university or college, especially in the US and Canada

sesterstvo, sesterská společnost

someone who helps or supports someone else in certain activities or against someone else

spojenec, partner

the study of the rights and responsibilities of citizens in society

občanská výchova, civistika

the whole world considered as a small place because of being closely connected by modern communication systems

globální vesnice, světová vesnice

the ordinary people with a common interest who form the foundation of a movement, organization, or political party

základní úroveň, obyčejní lidé

a concept that recognizes how different forms of discrimination and oppression, such as race, gender, and class, interact with each other


the act of defining and labeling individuals or groups as different from oneself or the dominant social group

odlišování, vyčleňování

a political organization of a group of people with a shared identity that is part of a larger political system itself

politický systém, politické uspořádání

an old person, especially someone who is retired

senior, starší člověk

a person that does not belong to the upper class of the society

běžný občan, poddaný

the act of staying awake at night for religious purposes or to protest against something

bdění, vigílie

a group of people with special skills or knowledge who have been brought together to discuss, give advice, or make a decision about an issue

panel, expertní skupina

a social event held with the intention of raising money for a charity or political party

fundraiser, sbírka

a sense of community concern and willingness to contribute to the public good

veřejný duch, občanský smysl