Frázová Slovesa Používající 'Into', 'To', 'About', & 'For' - Ostatní (Komu)
to reach a specified total when different amounts are added together
činit, dosahovat celkové částky
to think or state that something is the result of a particular cause
přiřadit k, přisuzovat
to be owned by a particular person or group
patřit, být majetkem
to help someone come back to consciousness
přivést k vědomí, vrátit do vědomí
to regain consciousness or awaken after being unconscious or asleep
probrat se, uzdravit se
to accept or agree to follow someone's decision, opinion, or authority, often out of respect or recognition of their expertise or position
podřídit se, deferovávat
to change or prepare something so that it suits a specific purpose, situation, or target audience
zaměřit na, připravit pro
to affect someone emotionally, particularly by making them feel frustrated, angry, or upset
ovlivnit, zasáhnout
(of thoughts and ideas) to come to someone's mind
přijít na mysl, napadnout
to make someone more likely to experience or develop a certain condition or behavior
předurčovat k, předisponovat k
to feel a connection or understanding with someone or something
vztahovat se k, rozumět
to extend to a specific, typically considerable, amount, degree, etc.
dosahovat, vyjít na
to display inappropriate behavior, contrary to what others would expect
snížit se na, klesnout na
to do something negative to achieve a goal, often when there are no better options available
uchýlit se k, použít
to close a door or window by drawing it toward oneself
zatáhnout, zavřít tahem
to agree to a request, proposal, or demand
vyhovět, souhlasit s
to explain one's actions or decisions to someone, usually a higher authority or supervisor
odvést účet před, vysvětlit
to have to explain one's actions to someone in authority
odpovídat před, vysvětlit před
to allow someone to be alone or continue their work without being interrupted
nechat na, povolit
to suggest that something is true or is the case
zmínit, naznačit
to present a plan or offer to someone for consideration
předložit, navrhnout
to have a connection with a particular person or thing
odkazovat na, zmiňovat se o
to assign the cause or ownership of something to a specific person, thing, or factor
připisovat, považovat za
to keep following a certain regulation, belief, or agreement
dodržovat, přilnout k
to continue doing something even though there are some hardships
držet se, vytrvat v
to start to like someone or something
oblibit si, zamilovat se do