
Phrasal Verbs 'Into', 'To', 'About' & 'For' Használatával - Mások (Címzett)









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Phrasal Verbs With 'Into', 'To', 'About', & 'For'
to amount to

to reach a specified total when different amounts are added together

összegezni, elérni a

összegezni, elérni a

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to ascribe to

to think or state that something is the result of a particular cause

tulajdonítani, hozzákapcsolni

tulajdonítani, hozzákapcsolni

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to belong to

to be owned by a particular person or group

tartozni, tulajdonban lenni

tartozni, tulajdonban lenni

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to bring to

to help someone come back to consciousness

visszahozni a tudatába, tudatra ébreszteni

visszahozni a tudatába, tudatra ébreszteni

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to come to

to regain consciousness or awaken after being unconscious or asleep

magához tér, felébred

magához tér, felébred

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to defer to

to accept or agree to follow someone's decision, opinion, or authority, often out of respect or recognition of their expertise or position

meghajolni, hódolni

meghajolni, hódolni

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to gear to

to change or prepare something so that it suits a specific purpose, situation, or target audience

irányítani valamire, alkalmazni valamire

irányítani valamire, alkalmazni valamire

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to get to

to affect someone emotionally, particularly by making them feel frustrated, angry, or upset

hatással lenni, meghatni

hatással lenni, meghatni

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to occur to

(of thoughts and ideas) to come to someone's mind

eszébe jut, gondolni valakire

eszébe jut, gondolni valakire

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to predispose to

to make someone more likely to experience or develop a certain condition or behavior

előidézni, megelőzni

előidézni, megelőzni

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to relate to

to feel a connection or understanding with someone or something

kapcsolódni, azonosulni

kapcsolódni, azonosulni

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to run to

to extend to a specific, typically considerable, amount, degree, etc.

elér valamit, összeadódik

elér valamit, összeadódik

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to descend to

to display inappropriate behavior, contrary to what others would expect

lesüllyedni, lecsúszni

lesüllyedni, lecsúszni

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to resort to

to do something negative to achieve a goal, often when there are no better options available

visszatérni, fakadni

visszatérni, fakadni

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to pull to

to close a door or window by drawing it toward oneself

húzni,  hogy zárja

húzni, hogy zárja

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to accede to

to agree to a request, proposal, or demand

beleegyezni, odaítélni

beleegyezni, odaítélni

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to account to

to explain one's actions or decisions to someone, usually a higher authority or supervisor

számot adni, magyarázni valakinek

számot adni, magyarázni valakinek

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to answer to

to have to explain one's actions to someone in authority

számot adni valakinek, magyarázatot adni

számot adni valakinek, magyarázatot adni

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to leave to

to allow someone to be alone or continue their work without being interrupted

hagyja a, enged

hagyja a, enged

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to point to

‌to suggest that something is true or is the case

rámutat, javasol

rámutat, javasol

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to put to

to present a plan or offer to someone for consideration

előterjeszteni, bemutatni

előterjeszteni, bemutatni

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to refer to

to have a connection with a particular person or thing

utalni valamire, kapcsolódik valamihez

utalni valamire, kapcsolódik valamihez

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to attribute to

to assign the cause or ownership of something to a specific person, thing, or factor

tulajdonítani, hozzárendelni

tulajdonítani, hozzárendelni

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to go to

to be awarded or given to someone or something

menni, odaítélni

menni, odaítélni

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to adhere to

to keep following a certain regulation, belief, or agreement

betartani, követni

betartani, követni

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to keep to

to stay on a specific path, road, or route

tartani, követni

tartani, követni

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to stick to

to continue doing something even though there are some hardships

ragaszkodni, kitartani

ragaszkodni, kitartani

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to take to

to start to like someone or something

megkedvelni, vonzalmat érezni

megkedvelni, vonzalmat érezni

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to warm to

to start to like something

megszeretni, vonzódni valamhez

megszeretni, vonzódni valamhez

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