to accept or agree to follow someone's decision, opinion, or authority, often out of respect or recognition of their expertise or position

従う, deferする

to change or prepare something so that it suits a specific purpose, situation, or target audience

〜に合わせる, 適応させる

to affect someone emotionally, particularly by making them feel frustrated, angry, or upset

影響を与える, 心に響く

to make someone more likely to experience or develop a certain condition or behavior

傾向を持たせる, 影響を与える

to do something negative to achieve a goal, often when there are no better options available

手段に訴える, 頼る

to explain one's actions or decisions to someone, usually a higher authority or supervisor

説明する, 報告する

to allow someone to be alone or continue their work without being interrupted

放置する, 許可する