
Sporty - Bowling









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candlepin bowling

a type of bowling where players use smaller balls and tall, narrow pins

candlepin bowling, úzký bowling

candlepin bowling, úzký bowling

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duckpin bowling

a type of bowling game using smaller and lighter pins and balls compared to traditional tenpin bowling

duckpin bowling, bowling s menšími kužely

duckpin bowling, bowling s menšími kužely

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ten-pin bowling

a form of bowling in which players roll a ball to knock down pins arranged in a triangular formation at the end of a lane

desetibólový bowling, bowling se deseti kužely

desetibólový bowling, bowling se deseti kužely

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five-pin bowling

a variation of bowling played with smaller pins and a smaller ball, commonly found in Canada

pětikuželkový bowling, bowling s pěti kužely

pětikuželkový bowling, bowling s pěti kužely

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the act of knocking down all ten pins with a single ball

strike, plný zásah

strike, plný zásah

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the act of knocking down all ten pins with two consecutive rolls in a single frame of bowling

spare, rezerva

spare, rezerva

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(bowling) a ball that curves as it rolls toward the pins

háček, zakřivení

háček, zakřivení

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(tenpin bowling) a challenging pin arrangement in bowling where pins are left standing far apart after the first roll

split, štěrbina

split, štěrbina

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open frame

a scoring situation in bowling where a player does not knock down all ten pins within the two rolls of a frame

otevřený rámec, rámec pro otevřenou hru

otevřený rámec, rámec pro otevřenou hru

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(bowling) the number of pins knocked down by a single ball roll

počet sražených kuželek, srazíno kuželky

počet sražených kuželek, srazíno kuželky

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the mechanical or manual process of arranging the pins after they have been knocked down in bowling

nastavení kuželek, umístění kuželek

nastavení kuželek, umístění kuželek

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snake eyes

(bowling) the act of knocking down only one pin on each of the two attempts in a frame, resulting in a score of two

hadí oči, srazit jen jeden kužel při obou pokusech

hadí oči, srazit jen jeden kužel při obou pokusech

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a method of throwing the ball upwards in bowling, usually making it harder to aim and control

vysoký hod, obloukový hod

vysoký hod, obloukový hod

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a strike in bowling, where a player knocks down all ten pins with the first roll of the frame

desítkový hod, úder

desítkový hod, úder

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a part of a bowling game where a player gets one or two turns to knock down pins

frame, kolo

frame, kolo

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the best spot between pins in bowling to aim for a strike

kapsa, ideální místo

kapsa, ideální místo

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a traditional Italian bowling game where players try to roll their balls as close as possible to a smaller target ball



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the act of throwing a ball down the lane in sports like bowling

hod, roll

hod, roll

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to respot

(bowling) to place a pin back in its original position after it has been knocked down or moved

vrátit zpět, opětovně umístit

vrátit zpět, opětovně umístit

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