a small-scale version of golf with fun obstacles

minigolf, miniaturizovaný golf

the last nine holes of an 18-hole golf course

zadní devítka, posledních devět jamek

the initial nine holes of a golf course, typically numbered one through nine

přední devítka, front nine

a golf scoring format where the total number of strokes is counted

hra na rány, hra na údery

(golf) a score of one stroke less than the par value for a hole, typically achieved by sinking the ball into the hole with one fewer stroke than the expected number

birdie, o ránu méně než par

(golf) the remarkable achievement of sinking the ball into the cup with just one stroke on a par-3 hole

jamka na první pokus, díra na první úder

the standard number of strokes expected for a skilled golfer to complete a hole or course

par, par

a golf competition format where players compete hole by hole, aiming to win individual holes rather than building up a total score

match play, hra na jamky

a numerical measure of a golf player's ability, used to level the playing field in competition

handicap, golfový index

the movement of the golf club from the top of the swing down to the point of impact with the ball

sestup, pokles

a golf shot that curves sharply to the left for right-handed golfers or to the right for left-handed golfers

hook (v golfu), háček

a piece of turf or grass that is displaced when a player strikes the ground with their club during a swing

kus trávy, divot

the positioning a golfer takes before making a swing to address the ball

počáteční pozice, adresace

the distance a golf ball travels through the air from the point of impact to where it first hits the ground

vzdálenost letu, dosah

a stroke played toward the green from a location farther away

přístupový úder, úder k green

a card used in golf to record each player's scores for each hole during a round

skóre karta, záznamová karta

a type of shot where the ball curves unintentionally to the right for right-handed golfers or to the left for left-handed golfers in flight

slice, zvrat

a golfer who achieves the lowest score in a medal play competition, earning them the title of medalist for that tournament

medailista, vítěz

of a golfer who is capable of playing to the standard of the course rating

golfista bez hendikepu, golfista s nulovým hendikepem

(golf) to play a hole in one stroke, usually referring to a hole-in-one where the ball is hit from the tee into the cup

udělat eso, zahrát eso

(in golf) to make a short, high-arching shot, typically played from closer distances to the hole

pálit, vystřelit