250 Häufigste Englische Phrasal Verbs - Top 76–100 Phrasalverben
Hier finden Sie Teil 4 der Liste der gebräuchlichsten Phrasenverben im Englischen wie „fall in“, „pull out“ und „hold up“.
to collapse under pressure, often due to structural weakness
to help someone come back to consciousness
jemanden wieder zu Bewusstsein bringen
to discover, meet, or find someone or something by accident
to take and bring something out of a particular place or position
etwas herausziehen
to come to someone's house in order to visit them for a short time
das Haus von jemandem besuchen
to change your position so as to face another direction
(sich) umdrehen
to continue doing something even though there are some hardships
fest an etwas glauben
to investigate or explore something in order to gather information or understand it better
to become involved in something unpleasant because of carelessness or ignorance
sich unwissentlich auf etwas einlassen
to provide a place for someone to stay temporarily
jemanden vorübergehend beherbergen
to cause a machine, device, or equipment to stop operating, typically by pushing a button or turning a key
to represent something in the form of an abbreviation or symbol
die Abkürzung von etwas sein