Das Buch English File - Obere Mittelstufe - Lektion 7B
Hier finden Sie die Vokabeln aus Lektion 7B im Kursbuch „English File Upper Intermediate“, wie „palm“, „fold“, „shrug“ usw.
each of the parts above the legs and below the waist at either side of the body

Hüfte, Hüfte (Anatomie)

the part of the body between the ribs and hips, which is usually narrower than the parts mentioned

each of the two bean-shaped organs in the lower back of the body that separate wastes from the blood and make urine

the part of our body that is at the end of our arm and we use to grab, move, or feel things

short stiff hair growing on the face when it is not shaved, typically on a man's face

the muscular part at the back of the leg between the knee and the ankle

Wade, Unterschenkelmuskel

to use a tool with narrow, evenly spaced teeth to untangle and arrange hair

kämmen, frisieren

to pull air, liquid, etc. into the mouth by using the muscles of the mouth and the lips

saugen, ansaugen

to momentarily raise one's shoulders to express indifference

mit den Schultern zucken, schultern zucken

to put something or someone in a higher place or lift them to a higher position

to quickly open and close one eye as a sign of affection or to indicate something is a secret or a joke

zwinkern, blinzeln

to bite and crush food into smaller pieces with the teeth to make it easier to swallow

kauen, beißen

to tightly and closely hold someone in one's arms, typically a person one loves

umarmen, in die Arme schließen

to rub a person's or one's own skin to relieve an itching sensation, particularly with one's fingernails

kratzen, ritzen

to raise one's hand and move it from side to side to greet someone or attract their attention

winken, grüßen

to bring your eyebrows closer together showing anger, sadness, or confusion

die Stirn runzeln
to look at someone or something without moving the eyes or blinking, usually for a while, and often without showing any expression

starren, anblicken

to unexpectedly open one's mouth wide and deeply breathe in because of being bored or tired

gähnen, den Mund öffnen

to make something longer, looser, or wider, especially by pulling it

dehnen, strecken

to show the place or direction of someone or something by holding out a finger or an object
