Βιβλίο Interchange - Ενδιάμεσο - Ενότητα 1 - Μέρος 2
Εδώ θα βρείτε το λεξιλόγιο από την Ενότητα 1 - Μέρος 2 στο βιβλίο μαθημάτων Interchange Intermediate, όπως "τραγωδία", "υποφέρω", "πεπρωμένο" κ.λπ.
an event causing great suffering, destruction, and distress, such as a natural disaster or a serious accident
a disabling and life-threatening disease that causes nerve injuries leading to permanent paralysis, happens mostly in children younger than five
the events or situations that are predetermined or inevitable for a person, often believed to be controlled by a higher power
the quality of behaving or talking in a way that is truthful and free of deception
the quality or state of being new, creative, and unique, not copied from another thing
belonging to or following the methods or thoughts that are old as opposed to new or different ones