
Cantidades - Medida

Explore modismos en inglés sobre la extensión con ejemplos como "por mucho" y "con verrugas y todo".




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English idioms related to Amounts
tip of the iceberg

a very small difficulty or problem that is actually part of a much bigger and more serious problem

pequeña parte de un gran problema

pequeña parte de un gran problema

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Uncle Tom Cobley and all

used for referring to a list of people or items that is frustratingly long

lista muy larga de personas

lista muy larga de personas

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(as) far as the eye can see

until the point that one is capable of seeing

en todos lados

en todos lados

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across the board

affecting everyone or everything in a particular situation or group

algo que incluya a todos

algo que incluya a todos

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all and sundry

everyone, not just a certain group of people



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bag and baggage

with everything that one owns



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by a long shot

used to convey how great the difference is between two things

muy diferente a los demás

muy diferente a los demás

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every mother's son

every single person from a specific group



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every Tom, Dick, and Harry

all of the ordinary people



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everything but the kitchen sink

a collection of many different things or items, often excessive or unnecessary, that includes almost everything that could be taken or brought along

casi todo

casi todo

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from A to Z

including every single detail

completamente y en detalle

completamente y en detalle

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right and left

used when something happens or is done a lot



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on a biblical scale

to a great degree



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the whole nine yards

all that is possible, desirable, or available

incluyendo todo

incluyendo todo

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the world and his wife

a very great number of people



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to one's fingertips

in every possible way



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you name it

anything and everything one can possibly think of within a certain category

todo lo demás de esta categoría

todo lo demás de esta categoría

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to take sth up a notch

to add to the quality or intensity of something

aumentar la intensidad o cantidad de algo

aumentar la intensidad o cantidad de algo

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back-of-the-envelope calculation

a rough estimate or calculation done quickly and informally, often using basic methods or assumptions

cálculo estimado

cálculo estimado

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roots and all

used to describe an examination of something that covers every aspect and detail

completo o terminado

completo o terminado

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warts and all

in a way that includes all the flaws and imperfections, without any attempt to conceal them

con todos los defectos e imperfecciones

con todos los defectos e imperfecciones

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