
Verbos de Existencia y Acción - Verbos de utilización

Aquí aprenderá algunos verbos en inglés que se refieren a la utilización, como "tap", "consume" y "exploit".




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Categorized English Verbs of Existence and Action
to exert

to put force on something or to use power in order to influence someone or something



to exercise

to begin to apply or use something

ejercer, aplicar

ejercer, aplicar

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to consume

to use a supply of energy, fuel, etc.



to exhaust

to use up or deplete a resource, material, or supply completely

agotar, consumir

agotar, consumir

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to deplete

to use up or diminish the quantity or supply of a resource, material, or substance



to use up

to entirely consume a resource, leaving none remaining

agotar, consumir por completo

agotar, consumir por completo

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to run out

(of a supply) to be completely used up

quedarse sin

quedarse sin

to be left over

to remain available for future use or action

to draw on

to use information, knowledge, or past experience to aid in performing a task or achieving a goal

recurrir a, basarse en

recurrir a, basarse en

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to waste

to use something without care or more than needed



to squander

to waste or misuse something valuable, such as money, time, or opportunities



to use

to do something with an object, method, etc. to achieve a specific result

usar, utilizar

usar, utilizar

to overuse

to use something excessively or beyond reasonable limits

sobrecargar, usar en exceso

sobrecargar, usar en exceso

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to misuse

to use something improperly or incorrectly

utilizar mal

utilizar mal

to abuse

to use or manipulate something in a way that deviates from its intended purpose

abusar, malutilizar

abusar, malutilizar

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to utilize

to put to effective use

utilizar, usar

utilizar, usar

to wield

to handle something such as a tool or weapon in an effective way



to ply

to use a tool skillfully and diligently, often in a repetitive or continuous manner

aplicar, utilizar

aplicar, utilizar

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to exploit

to utilize or take full advantage of something, often resources, opportunities, or skills

explotar, aprovechar

explotar, aprovechar

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to tap into

to access or make use of a resource or source of information

aprovechar, acceder a

aprovechar, acceder a

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to leverage

to use something to its maximum advantage

aprovechar, sacar provecho de

aprovechar, sacar provecho de

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