
Verbos de Ayuda y Daño - Verbos para golpear

Aquí aprenderás algunos verbos en inglés que se refieren a golpear como "smack", "beat up" y "whip".




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Categorized English Verbs of Helping and Hurting
to lash

to harshly beat someone using a whip or rod

azotar, flagelar

azotar, flagelar

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to smack

to hit someone or something hard with an open hand or a flat object

abofetear, palmear

abofetear, palmear

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to bat

to hit or strike someone or something with one's hand or a bat

golpear, batear

golpear, batear

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to beat up

to physically attack someone, often with repeated blows

golpear, atacar

golpear, atacar

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to thrash

to beat or strike repeatedly with force, often in a violent or uncontrolled manner

golpear, zurrar

golpear, zurrar

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to thump

to hit or strike heavily with the hand or a blunt object, producing a dull, muffled sound

golpear, dar un golpe

golpear, dar un golpe

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to drub

to strike or beat someone several times with force

golpear, dar una paliza

golpear, dar una paliza

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to welt

to whip or strike someone harshly

castigar, golpear

castigar, golpear

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to flog

to beat someone harshly using a rod or whip

flagelar, azotar

flagelar, azotar

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to wallop

to hit forcefully

golpear con fuerza, dar un golpe

golpear con fuerza, dar un golpe

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to bash

to forcefully hit something or someone

golpear, estrellar

golpear, estrellar

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to clout

to strike forcefully, especially using the fist

dar un golpe, golpear

dar un golpe, golpear

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to thwack

to hit forcefully with a distinct, loud sound

golpear, dar un golpe

golpear, dar un golpe

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to pummel

to repeatedly beat someone or something with force, often using the fists

aplastar, golpear

aplastar, golpear

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to pelt

to vigorously and continuously throw objects, often with force or intensity

golpear, lanzar

golpear, lanzar

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to hit

to strike someone or something with force using one's hand or an object

golpear, pegar

golpear, pegar

to kick

to hit a thing or person with the foot



to punch

to beat someone or something with a closed fist quickly and forcefully

darle un puñetazo a

darle un puñetazo a

to swipe

to hit or strike something with a sweeping motion

golpear, barrer

golpear, barrer

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to beat

to strike someone repeatedly, usually causing physical harm or injury

golpear, pegar

golpear, pegar

to strike

to hit using hands or weapons

golpear, pegar

golpear, pegar

to pound

to hit forcefully using the hand or a heavy instrument

golpear, martillar

golpear, martillar

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to batter

to forcefully strike something or someone

golpear, batir

golpear, batir

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to whack

to strike forcefully with a sharp blow

golpear, pegar

golpear, pegar

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to elbow

to push someone with one's elbow

dar un codazo a, codazo

dar un codazo a, codazo

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to whip

to violently hit a person or animal with a whip

azotar, fustigar

azotar, fustigar

to lash out

to suddenly attempt to strike someone or something

atacar de repente, dar un golpe

atacar de repente, dar un golpe

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to sucker punch

to hit someone unexpectedly and without warning

dar un golpe sorpresa, golpear sin previo aviso

dar un golpe sorpresa, golpear sin previo aviso

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