
Verbos de Procesos Mentales - Verbos para suposición y estimación

Aquí aprenderá algunos verbos en inglés que se refieren a suposiciones y estimaciones, como "guess", "presume" y "speculate".




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Categorized English Verbs Denoting Mental Processes
to guess

to estimate or form a conclusion about something without sufficient information to verify its accuracy

adivinar, estimar

adivinar, estimar

to think

to imagine, expect, or intend something

imaginar, visualize

imaginar, visualize

to reckon

to guess something using available information

estimar, considerar

estimar, considerar

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to suppose

to think or believe that something is possible or true, without being sure



to presume

to think that something is true based on probability or likelihood

suponer, presumir

suponer, presumir

to assume

to think that something is true without having proof or evidence

suponer, presumir

suponer, presumir

to surmise

to come to a conclusion without enough evidence

conjeturar, suponer

conjeturar, suponer

to speculate

to form a theory or opinion about a subject without knowing all the facts

hacer conjeturas

hacer conjeturas

to theorize

to formulate a hypothesis to explain something, often as a starting point for further investigation or study



to hypothesize

to propose a theory or explanation based on limited evidence

hacer hipótesis, hipotetizar

hacer hipótesis, hipotetizar

to conjecture

to form an idea or opinion about something with limited information or unclear evidence

hacer conjecturas, conjeturar

hacer conjecturas, conjeturar

to imagine

to suppose or guess something without concrete evidence

suponer, figurarse

suponer, figurarse

to guesstimate

to estimate something by calculating and guessing

hacer estimaciones aproximadas

hacer estimaciones aproximadas

to estimate

to guess the value, number, quantity, size, etc. of something without exact calculation



to underestimate

to guess or calculate a value, size, etc. to be lower than it actually is

subestimar, infraestimar

subestimar, infraestimar

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to overestimate

to guess or calculate a value, size, or etc. to be higher than it actually is

sobreestimar, exagerar

sobreestimar, exagerar

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to extrapolate

to estimate something using past experiences or known data



to approximate

to make a rough guess about quantities or time

aproximar, estimar

aproximar, estimar

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to value

to determine or assign a monetary worth to something

valorar, evaluar

valorar, evaluar

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to valuate

to determine the worth or importance of something

valorar, estimando

valorar, estimando

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to project

to guess or predict future outcomes or trends based on current data or analysis

proyectar, estimar

proyectar, estimar

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