Zihinsel Süreçlerin Fiilleri - Varsayım ve Tahmin Fiilleri
Burada "tahmin etmek", "varsaymak" ve "spekülasyon" gibi varsayım ve tahmine atıfta bulunan bazı İngilizce fiilleri öğreneceksiniz.
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Flash kartlar
to estimate or form a conclusion about something without sufficient information to verify its accuracy

tahmin etmek
to think or believe that something is possible or true, without being sure

zannetmek, sanmak
to form a theory or opinion about a subject without knowing all the facts

tahminde bulunmak
to formulate a hypothesis to explain something, often as a starting point for further investigation or study

teori öne sürmek
to form an idea or opinion about something with limited information or unclear evidence

tahmin etmek
to estimate something by calculating and guessing

sezgiye dayalı tahminde bulunmak
to guess the value, number, quantity, size, etc. of something without exact calculation

tahmin etmek, kestirmek
to guess or calculate a value, size, etc. to be lower than it actually is

küçümsemek, azımsamak

to guess or calculate a value, size, or etc. to be higher than it actually is

abartmak, yanlış değerlendirmek