Académico IELTS (Banda 8 y Superior) - Opiniones
Aquí aprenderá algunas palabras en inglés relacionadas con las opiniones que son necesarias para el examen IELTS académico.
Tarjetas de memoria
to give or have opinions that differ from those officially or commonly accepted

to show one's disagreement or disapproval of an online post or comment by clicking on a specific icon

dar voto negativo
to express disapproval of something by making a noise in the throat

mostrar desacuerdo
to argue over unimportant things or to complain about them

poner pegas, hacer objeciones de poca monta
to disapprove of or have a negative opinion about something, particularly due to being improper or unacceptable

desaprobar, mirar con desdén

to intentionally make harmful statements to damage a person or thing's worth or reputation

to find fault or criticize small, insignificant details

buscar defectos, rasgar las vestiduras

to complain or whine persistently and often about trivial matters

quejarse, lamentarse

to give a strong, negative review or opinion about something

desacreditar, criticar duramente

to severely criticize, often with the intention of correcting someone's behavior or actions

to criticize someone for doing or saying something that one believes to be wrong

to identify or point out flaws, errors, or shortcomings in someone or something
to show one's agreement or approval of an online post or comment by clicking on a specific icon

dar un voto positivo
to agree and not oppose to something that one generally finds unacceptable or unpleasant

consentir, permitir