Vocabulario Esencial para el TOEFL - Música
Aquí aprenderás algunas palabras en inglés sobre música, como "verse", "tune", "vinyl", etc. que se necesitan para el examen TOEFL.
Tarjetas de memoria
(of a musical instrument) making a sound that is natural, not amplified
(of music) made only by instruments and without vocals
a record made of synthetic resin or plastic, used in the past before CDs became popular
a sequence of musical notes arranged in a specific order to create a recognizable piece of music
tonada, tonada
the recorded sounds, speeches, or music of a movie, play, or musical
banda sonora
a group of musicians playing various instruments gathered and organized to perform a classic piece
an electronic device that strengthens electrical signals or causes sounds to get louder
a group of singers who perform together, particularly in religious ceremonies or in public
to direct a choir or orchestra using special movements of the hands
someone who guides and directs an orchestra
director de orquesta
a written sign or symbol indicating a single tone of particular pitch and length made by a vocal or musical instrument
(of a musical note) being a semitone lower than the note mentioned
(of a musical note) a half step higher than a particular note
sostenido, demasiado alto
notes of music played or sung in a combination that produces a pleasing effect
based on a scale in which the interval between the third and the fourth notes and the seventh and the eighth notes is a half step
based on a scale in which the interval between the second and the third notes, the fifth and the sixth notes and the seventh and eighth notes is a half step
the degree of highness or lowness of a tone that is determined by the frequency of waves producing it
the speed that a piece of music is or should be played at
tempo, ritmo
the arrangement of unstressed and stressed syllables in a verse that produces the rhythm
a cord of stretched wire, nylon, etc. on a musical instrument that is plucked to produce sound
a public performance of music or poetry by an individual or a small group
to play a string instrument, such as a guitar, using the fingers or a plectrum
an arrangement of a series of musical notes with specified intervals, in ascending or descending pitch order
a CD or a musical record that has only one main song, often released separately from an album to promote it
single, sencillo