a record made of synthetic resin or plastic, used in the past before CDs became popular

ビニール, レコード

a sequence of musical notes arranged in a specific order to create a recognizable piece of music

メロディー, 曲

a group of musicians playing various instruments gathered and organized to perform a classic piece


an electronic device that strengthens electrical signals or causes sounds to get louder


a group of singers who perform together, particularly in religious ceremonies or in public

合唱団, コーラス

a written sign or symbol indicating a single tone of particular pitch and length made by a vocal or musical instrument

音符, 記号

based on a scale in which the interval between the third and the fourth notes and the seventh and the eighth notes is a half step

メジャー, メジャーキー

based on a scale in which the interval between the second and the third notes, the fifth and the sixth notes and the seventh and eighth notes is a half step

マイナー, マイナー調

the degree of highness or lowness of a tone that is determined by the frequency of waves producing it

音の高さ, ピッチ

the arrangement of unstressed and stressed syllables in a verse that produces the rhythm

メートル, メトリック

a cord of stretched wire, nylon, etc. on a musical instrument that is plucked to produce sound

弦, ワイヤー

an arrangement of a series of musical notes with specified intervals, in ascending or descending pitch order

スケール, 音階