توصیف ویژگیها - Comparison
اصطلاحات انگلیسی را در مورد مقایسهها، از جمله «از نشانه بگیرید» و «در همان لیگ» کاوش کنید.
used to describe someone or something that is far superior when compared to others of the same type

یک سر و گردن بالاتر (از همردههای خود)
a delicate distinction between two things, particularly two apparently similar situations or concepts

تفاوت یا تمایز واضح بین دو چیز
a situation in which things are being evaluated or considered in a fair manner

مقایسه منطقی
to possses qualities that are very similar to those of someone or something else's

یک جور بودن, یک شکل بودن، سر و ته یک کرباس بودن
used to convey that someone is receiving much less credit or attention compared to a person more popular or skillful

در سایه کسی
to try to do the exact same things as others did before one

دنبالهرو کسی بودن
to do something or to behave in a manner that is almost identical to that of someone else's

(در رفتار یا عمل) از کسی تقلید کردن, مثل کسی رفتار کردن
to take notice of someone else's action or behavior in an attempt to reach the same success

راه کسی را دنبال کردن
to be much less powerful, successful, or capable when compared to someone else

به گرد پای کسی هم نرسیدن
(of a person or thing) greatly inferior to another person or thing

بسیار بدتر یا بیارزش تر از کسی یا چیز دیگری
used to refer to two individuals or entities that have the same qualities or having acquired the same achievements

همرده (از نظر کسب موفقیت یا مهارت)
used to suggest that that someone is not on the same level or does not possess the same social standing, attractiveness, or qualifications as another person

در حد کسی نبودن, به گرد پای کسی نرسیدن
(of a person or thing) to be much faster, better, or more successful compared to someone or something else

از کسی یا چیزی بسیار بهتر بودن
used to compare two things based on their qualities or abilities, without considering their size or scale

به نسبت (خود)