کتاب 'فیس تو فیس' متوسطه - واحد 5 - 5B
در اینجا واژگان واحد 5 - 5B را در کتاب دوره Face2Face Intermediate پیدا خواهید کرد، مانند "ناخواسته"، "پاک کردن"، "کشو"، و غیره.
املای کلمه
to put aside or remove a person or thing in order to no longer have them present or involved

(از شر چیزی یا کسی) خلاص شدن, دور انداختن
things that are considered useless, worthless, or of little value, often discarded or thrown away

آتوآشغال, دورانداختنی
a sliding box-shaped piece of furniture found within a desk, dresser, or cabinet, used for organizing and storing items

a piece of furniture with shelves and doors, usually built into a wall, designed for storing things like foods, dishes, etc.

کمد, کمد دیواری
to remove unnecessary or unwanted items or things from a place

(چیزهای بهدردنخور را) دور انداختن, (چیزهای بهدردنخور را) دور ریختن
to organize a space by putting things in their proper places and getting rid of any unnecessary items

مرتب کردن
to make a place neat and orderly by putting things away, cleaning, or organizing

مرتب کردن, تمیز کردن
to return to a previous state or condition, often after a period of decline or loss

برگشتن (به حالت قبلی), دوباره سرپا شدن