भावनाएँ जगाने वाली क्रियाएँ - नकारात्मक भावनाएँ महसूस करने के लिए क्रियाएँ
यहां आप "घृणा", "अफसोस" और "ईर्ष्या" जैसी नकारात्मक भावनाओं को महसूस करने के संदर्भ में कुछ अंग्रेजी क्रियाएं सीखेंगे।
समीक्षा करें
to hate a behavior or way of thought, believing that it is morally wrong
घृणा करना
to hold or display extreme hatred toward something or someone
घृणा करना
to have no respect for someone or something because one thinks they are stupid or undeserving
तुच्छ समझना
to feel unhappy or irritated because someone else has something that one desires
ईर्ष्या करना
to feel jealous or irritated because someone possesses something one desires
ईर्ष्या करना
to feel sad, sorry, or disappointed about something that has happened or something that you have done, often wishing it had been different
Afसोस करना
to feel sad because we no longer can see someone or do something
याद करना
to strongly desire something or someone, especially when they are absent
to strongly wish for something or someone that is absent or out of reach
to feel extremely worried and angry internally while trying not to show it externally
to be very angry, often showing signs of visible irritation
गुस्सा होना