खाद्य पदार्थ और पेय पदार्थ - थाई भोजन
यहां आप विभिन्न थाई खाद्य पदार्थों के नाम अंग्रेजी में सीखेंगे जैसे "सोम टैम", "पैड थाई", और "होई टॉड"।
समीक्षा करें
a spicy and tangy Thai salad made with shredded green papaya, tomatoes, peanuts, and other ingredients
सॉम टाम सलाद, सॉम टाम (सलाद)
a traditional Thai dish made with minced meat that is seasoned with lime juice, fish sauce, and fresh herbs
a popular rice porridge dish made by slow-cooking rice in water or broth until it reaches a creamy and thick consistency
जॉक, चावल का दलिया
a popular Thai stir-fried noodle dish made with wide rice noodles, meat, and vegetables, cooked in a sweet and savory sauce
पैड सी इव, थाई चावलों के नूडल्स
a Thai dish made with rice noodles, tender beef slices, and a flavorful broth
चावल नूडल्स का मांसाहारी व्यंजन, चावल नूडल्स और भुने हुए गोश्त का व्यंजन
a Thai dish made with egg noodles, typically served in a clear broth with a variety of toppings such as roasted pork, wontons, and vegetables
अंडा नूडल्स का व्यंजन, अंडा नूडल्स का सूप
a type of rice commonly eaten in many Southeast Asian countries and is known for its sticky and slightly sweet texture when cooked
चिपचिपा चावल, मीठा चावल
a popular dish from Thailand made with marinated and grilled chicken, often served with a dipping sauce
गाई यांग, थाई ग्रिल्ड चिकन
a traditional Thai dish where a whole fish is marinated, stuffed with lemongrass and herbs, and grilled until fragrant and crispy
प्ला पाओ, थाई ग्रिल्ड मछली
a popular Thai appetizer or snack where marinated chicken pieces are wrapped in pandan leaves and then deep-fried
गई होर बाई तोय, पांडा पत्तियों में लिपटा मैरीनेटेड चिकन
a flavorful and aromatic sausage made with ground pork, herbs, spices
स्वादिष्ट सॉसेज, सुगंधित सॉसेज
a traditional Thai dish made with fish, red curry paste, coconut milk, and a variety of aromatic herbs, steamed or baked in banana leaves
हो मॉक, पारंपरिक थाई व्यंजन
a savory oyster pancake that is a popular street food in Thailand and is served with a sweet and sour dipping sauce
घიციპान, पैनीक केक
a classic Thai dish made with minced meat stir-fried with Thai holy basil, garlic, chili, and other seasonings
फट कफराओ (एक क्लासिक थाई व्यंजन), पवित्र तुलसी के साथ थाई व्यंजन
a popular Thai dish consisting of tender, flavorful pork leg that has been slow-cooked in a fragrant soy sauce-based broth
काओ खा म्यू, सूअर के पैर का व्यंजन
a traditional Thai dish made with rice that has been fried with shrimp paste (kapi), served with various condiments
खाओ क्लुक कापी, झींगा पेस्ट के साथ तला हुआ चावल
a popular Thai dish made with fragrant spiced rice cooked with chicken and served with a side of yogurt sauce
काओ मोक गाई
a popular Thai dish made with cooked rice stir-fried with a variety of ingredients such as vegetables, meat, and eggs
काओ पद, थाई फ्रीड राइस
a type of Thai curry made with red curry paste, which typically includes red chili peppers, garlic, ginger, lemongrass, and other spices, cooked in coconut milk
लाल करी
a Thai curry made with yellow curry paste, cooked in coconut milk, and often combined with meat, vegetables, and herbs
पीला करी, थाई पीला करी
a Thai curry made with green curry paste, cooked in coconut milk, and often combined with meat, vegetables, and herbs
हरा करी, थाई हरा करी
a popular Thai noodle dish with a rich and creamy curry broth, usually made with coconut milk
काओ सोई, थाई नूडल व्यंजन
a tangy and spicy Thai soup typically made with lemongrass, lime leaves, chili, fish sauce
टॉम यम, थाई चटपटी सूप
a popular Thai coconut soup made with chicken, coconut milk, galangal, lemongrass, lime leaves, and other aromatic herbs
टम खा गाई सूप, थाई नारियल का सूप चिकन के साथ
a spicy and tangy curry dish from Thailand made with fish or shrimp, tamarind paste, chili paste, and an array of vegetables
केंग सोम, तीखा और खट्टा करी
a Thai curry dish known for its rich and creamy flavor, made with tender chunks of meat, potatoes, peanuts, and a fragrant spice paste
मसमान करी, थाई मसमान करी
a Thai curry dish known for its creamy and slightly sweet flavor, made with a thick and rich red curry paste, coconut milk and meat
पानांग करी, थाई पानांग करी
a popular Thai dessert made with sticky rice cooked in coconut milk, served with ripe mango slices
मैंगो स्टिकी राइस, स्टिकी चावल के साथ आम
a traditional Thai dessert made with bananas cooked in coconut milk and sugar, often served warm or chilled
kluai buat chi, थाई पारंपरिक केला मिठाई