Lényeges Szókincs a GRE-hez - Ne tedd a bűnt, ha nem tudod rászánni az időt!
Itt megtanulhat néhány angol szót a bűnözésről, mint például a "warden", "bootleg", "stalk" stb., amelyek a GRE vizsgához szükségesek.
the official in charge of a prison or correctional facility, responsible for overseeing the administration, security, and well-being of inmates

börtönigazgató, őrző

an individual or group of individuals who take the law into their own hands, acting outside the legal system to enforce their version of justice or address perceived wrongs

vigilante, vigilante csoport

to enter someone's land or building without permission

tulajdon megsértése, beköltözni engedély nélkül

the act of betraying one's country by rebelling against its government

árulás, hazaárulás

proof that indicates a person was somewhere other than the place where a crime took place and therefore could not have committed it


the use of elements from one culture by another, often without permission

kulturális kisajátítás, kulturális appei

the intentional and unlawful physical contact or harm inflicted on another person

támadás, erőszak

to demand funds or another benefit from someone in exchange for not damaging their reputation

megfélemlít, zsarol

to produce, distribute, or sell illicit or unauthorized goods

csempészni, illegálisan előállítani

to use deceit in order to deprive someone of their money or other possessions

csalni, becsapni

a nonforced sexual intercourse with a person under the age of consent

törvényes szexuális kapcsolat, kiskorúval való szexuális kapcsolat

to follow, watch, or pursue someone persistently and often secretly, causing them fear or discomfort

zaklatni, nyomozni

the practice of isolating a prisoner in a small, often windowless cell, with minimal human contact or environmental stimulation, as a form of punishment or for security reasons

egyes cella, elszigetelés

the act of violently stealing a car while someone is inside it

autólopás, erőszakos autólopás

to cooperate secretly or illegally for deceiving other people

összeesküdni, együttműködni

the act of participating in a crime or wrongdoing along with another person or group

bűnrészesség, részvétel

to officially take away something from someone, usually as punishment

elkobozni, leinyelem

goods or items whose importation, exportation, or possession is prohibited by law

csempészáru, tiltott áru

to secretly steal money entrusted to one's care, typically by manipulating financial records, for personal use or gain

sikkasztani, eltulajdonítani

(law) a practice in which government officials persuade someone to commit a crime that one would not have done by choice

csapda, entrapment

to force someone to live away from their native country, usually due to political reasons or as a punishment

száműz, kiszorít

to send someone accused of a crime to the place where the crime happened or where they are wanted for legal matters

kiadatni, visszaadni

the criminal act of making a copy of a document, money, etc. to do something illegal

hamisítás, hamisítvány

a temporary release of a convict from prison

ideiglenes szabadlábra helyezés, engedély

to manipulate someone into questioning their own perceptions, memories, or sanity, often by denying or distorting the truth

manipulálni, megingatni

a mass murder committed in order to destroy a particular nation, religious or ethnic group, or race


the act of stealing a property that exceeds a certain value lawfully which is considered a serious crime

nagy lopás, súlyos lopás

a device for beheading, featuring a tall frame with a suspended blade released to swiftly sever the condemned person's head


to confine someone in prison or a similar facility due to legal reasons or as a form of punishment

börtönbe zárni, fogva tartani

to provide evidence or information that suggests a person's involvement in a crime or wrongdoing

vádol, hamis vád alá helyez

one that secretly provides information about something or someone for the police or investigators

informátor, bejelentő

a person who breaks into someone else's property; often with a criminal intention

betolakodó, tolvaj

to make some alterations in order to make something that has been obtained illegally, especially money and currency appear legal or acceptable

tisztára mos, leg legalizálni

to take someone away and hold them in captivity, typically to demand something for their release

elrabolni, megszöktetni

an action that is considered wrong or unacceptable yet not very serious

csekély bűncselekmény, védkes cselekmény