Tudás és Bölcsesség - Oktatás és nevelés
Fedezze fel az angol közmondásokat, amelyek az oktatást és a nevelést olyan mondásokkal írják le, mint „jobb meg nem született, mint tanítatlan” és „sok jó tehénnek rossz borja van”.
used to imply that children often imitate the behavior and attitudes of their elders, and that they can be influenced by the examples set by those around them
ahogy az öreg kakas kukorékol, úgy szól a fiatal
used to imply that a person's early experiences and upbringing shape their character and behavior in later life
ahogy a gally hajlik, úgy hajlik a fa is
used to suggest that becoming a refined and well-mannered individual requires several generations of effort, education, and example
used to emphasize that even a successful and capable individual can produce an offspring or product that is inferior or unsuccessful
sok jó tehénnek rossz borja van
used to imply that sometimes, people need to be pushed or encouraged to fulfill their potential or to achieve their goals
Az énekelni tudó és nem énekelni tudó kismadarakat énekelni kell
used to highlight that a great teacher is one who not only imparts knowledge but also inspires and motivates students to achieve their full potential
egy közönséges tanár mesél, a jó tanár magyaráz, de a kiváló tanár bemutat és inspirál
used to emphasize that investing in education and intellectual pursuits is always worthwhile and valuable, as it can lead to personal and professional success and can never be wasted
az agyra költött pénzt soha nem költik el hiába
used to suggest that without proper discipline, guidance, and correction when a child misbehaves, they may become spoiled, undisciplined, and poorly behaved
used to imply that proper guidance and instruction from an early age are essential for a child's proper development and success
neveld a gyereket a neki megfelelő módon
used to emphasizes the importance of education, suggesting that it is better not to be born at all than to be born and remain uneducated or ignorant
jobb meg nem született, mint tanítatlan
used to imply that receiving poor or incorrect education can be more detrimental than having no education at all, emphasizing the importance of ensuring that education is of high quality
jobb tanítatlannak lenni, mint rosszul tanítottnak
used to imply that a person's upbringing and education are more important than their birth or social status in shaping their character and determining their success in life
születés sokkal, de tenyésztés több
used to imply that a teacher who claims to know everything and teaches beyond their expertise may be doing more harm than good
rosszul tanít, aki mindent megtanít