
Segítő és Ártó Igék - Zaklató igék

Itt megtanulhat néhány, a zaklatásra utaló angol igét, mint például a „bother”, „trouble” és „pester”.









Indítsa el a tanulást
Categorized English Verbs of Helping and Hurting
to harass

to subject someone to aggressive pressure or intimidation, often causing distress or discomfort

zaklatni, sérteni

zaklatni, sérteni

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to bother

to cause someone to feel worried, upset, or concerned

zavarni, aggasztani

zavarni, aggasztani

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to trouble

to create problems for someone, resulting in hardship

bajba keverni, problémát okozni

bajba keverni, problémát okozni

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to pester

to annoy someone repeatedly by making persistent requests

zaklatni, fárasztani

zaklatni, fárasztani

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to badger

to repeatedly annoy or harass someone with requests or questions

zaklatni, nyaggatni

zaklatni, nyaggatni

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to bedevil

to continuously create problems for someone or something

bosszant, zaklat

bosszant, zaklat

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to hound

to constantly chase, pressure, or follow someone to gain or achieve something

kergetni, zaklatni

kergetni, zaklatni

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to bug

to persistently annoy someone, often by making repeated requests or demands

zaklatni, fárasztani

zaklatni, fárasztani

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to hassle

to irritate someone or cause problems for them, particularly by asking them to do something over and over again

zaklat, bosszant

zaklat, bosszant

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to harry

to continually annoy someone

zaklatni, idegesíteni

zaklatni, idegesíteni

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to eat

to cause worry or annoyance for someone

fogyasztani, bántani

fogyasztani, bántani

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to importune

to request something in an annoyingly persistent way

zaklat, kérlel

zaklat, kérlel

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to plague

to continually cause someone or something difficulty, pain, or worry

gyötreni, bántani

gyötreni, bántani

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to afflict

to cause pain, suffering, or distress, often as a result of illness, injury, or hardship

szenvedést okoz, kitartás

szenvedést okoz, kitartás

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to pry

to ask personal or unwanted questions

túlságosan érdeklődik, firtat

túlságosan érdeklődik, firtat

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to spy

to secretly observe someone

kémkedni, titokban megfigyelni

kémkedni, titokban megfigyelni

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to snoop

to secretly investigate or look around to discover private information about someone

kukucskál, nyomoz

kukucskál, nyomoz

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to eavesdrop

to secretly listen to a conversation without the knowledge or consent of those involved

kihallgatni, lesni

kihallgatni, lesni

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to infiltrate

to secretly enter an organization or group with the aim of spying on its members or gathering information

beszivárog, beszivárogni

beszivárog, beszivárogni

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