to subject someone to aggressive pressure or intimidation, often causing distress or discomfort
嫌がらせる, 脅す
to repeatedly annoy or harass someone with requests or questions
しつこく質問する, 質問攻めする
to constantly chase, pressure, or follow someone to gain or achieve something
追い回す, 追っかける
to persistently annoy someone, often by making repeated requests or demands
うるさがる, しつこくせがむ
to irritate someone or cause problems for them, particularly by asking them to do something over and over again
面倒をかける, 困らせる
to cause pain, suffering, or distress, often as a result of illness, injury, or hardship
苦しめる, 悩ませる
to secretly investigate or look around to discover private information about someone
こっそり調べる, 探る
to secretly listen to a conversation without the knowledge or consent of those involved
盗み聞きする, 密かに聞く
to secretly enter an organization or group with the aim of spying on its members or gathering information
潜入する, infiltrate