Érzelmeket Felidéző Igék - Igék a félelem és a szorongás előidézésére
Itt megtanulhat néhány olyan angol igét, amelyek a félelem és a szorongás előidézésére utalnak, mint például a „scare”, „concern” és „traumatize”.
to suddenly make a person or animal to feel afraid
megijeszteni, ijesztgetni
to cause extreme fear in someone
megijeszteni, félelemmel eltölteni
to say that one is willing to damage something or hurt someone if one's demands are not met
fenyegetni, fenyegetés
to make someone so frightened that they cannot move or speak
kövönni, megbénítani
to cause a person to feel scared or unconfident
megfélemlít, elrettent
to cause intense fear, shock, or disgust in someone
megrázni, ijeszteni
to disturb or unsettle someone, causing them to feel worried or uneasy
zavarni, aggasztani
to surprise someone so much that they are unable to react quickly
meglepni, zavarba ejteni
to cause someone to feel shocked, worried, or upset
megdöbbent, elszomorít
to cause a sudden shock or surprise, resulting in a quick, involuntary reaction
meglep, ijeszteni
to make someone feel nervous or uncomfortable, often by surprising or overwhelming them
zavarba ejt, összezavar
to cause someone difficulty or hardship, particularly financial struggles or emotional turmoil
bántani, szenvedést okozni
to shock or horrify someone, causing them to feel alarmed or deeply unpleasantly surprised
megdöbbenteni, felháborítani
to cause severe emotional distress or psychological harm to someone, often resulting in long-term effects
traumákat okozni, megsérteni