Kosakata Penting untuk GRE - Kontinum Ruang-waktu
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris tentang waktu dan ruang, seperti "spasmodic", "aeon", "millennial", dll. yang diperlukan untuk ujian GRE.
Kartu flash
occurring in sudden, brief manner, without a regular order or time

spasmodik, berhenti-sementara

either of the two times of the year when the sun reaches its farthest or closest distance from the equator


a subdivision of a geologic period, characterized by distinctive and globally recognizable rock layers, fossils, and significant changes in Earth's climate and biota

epoch, epoch geologis

either of the two moments in a year when the Sun, in its apparent motion along the ecliptic, crosses the celestial equator, resulting in approximately equal periods of daylight and darkness worldwide


the time as measured at Greenwich, London, on the line of 0° longitude, used to calculate the time across the globe

Waktu Rata-Rata Greenwich, Waktu Greenwich

happening at the end of a process or a particular period of time

akhir, memudahkan

at the appropriate or expected time, without rushing or delay

pada waktunya, pada saat yang tepat

(of the moon) to gradually decrease in its visible illuminated surface as it progresses from full to new moon

menurun, berkurang

the second layer of earth's atmosphere composed of cool and warm layers of air


the theory that adds the notion of time to that of a three-dimensional space

ruang-waktu, waktu-ruang

relating to the path or motion of an object as it revolves around another object in space

orbital, berkaitan dengan orbit

a glowing cloud of gas and dust in outer space, often the result of a star explosion or formation


(of the moon) to progressively display a larger illuminated section until it turns into a full moon

bertambah, naik

a small celestial body that becomes visible as a meteor upon entrance into the atmosphere of the earth


a piece of rock or metal from space that has hit the surface of the earth

meteorit, benda langit

a piece of rock coming from outer space that passes through the Earth's atmosphere, producing light

meteor, meteoroid

a disruption in earth's magnetic field caused by solar activity, resulting in variations that can impact electronic systems and communications on earth

badai magnetik, badai geomagnetik

situated or occurring between stars or within the space that exists between stars

antar bintang, di antara bintang

(specialist) space that consists of more than three dimensions

hiperspace, ruang hiperdimensi

relating to or originating from outside the Earth or its atmosphere

luar angkasa

(physics) an invisible substance that makes up most of the universe's mass, detectable only through its gravitational effects

materi gelap, materi tak terlihat

very small particles originally derived from stars, serving as raw material for forming planets, and existing between galaxies, stars, and other celestial bodies

debu kosmik, debu bintang

the outer layer of the Sun's atmosphere, observable as a plasma halo during a solar eclipse

korona, korona matahari

an object in space that is a mass of ice and dust and when it nears the sun it starts illuminating in the shape of a tail


the colored lights, mainly green and red, in the sky seen primarily near the southern magnetic pole

aurora australis, cahaya selatan

the colored lights, mainly green and red, in the sky seen primarily near the northern magnetic pole

cahaya utara

a specific group of stars that form a pattern and have a name related to their shape
