Kegagalan - Kalah atau Menang
Pelajari idiom bahasa Inggris yang berhubungan dengan kalah atau menang, seperti "mengambil tantangan" dan "close call".
Kartu flash
close call
a situation where there is an equal chance for one to fail or succeed

situasi genting, situasi dekat

[Kata benda]
to go toe to toe
to fight or compete with someone with great force, determination, and strength
bring it on
used to demonstrate confidence in one's skills and abilities when challenging someone
playing field
the circumstances or conditions under which competition takes place

lapangan permainan, kondisi persaingan

[Kata benda]
zero-sum game
a situation in which one side can achieve victory by taking the advantage away from the other side in a competition, causing them to lose the game

permainan jumlah nol, situasi jumlah nol

[Kata benda]

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