
Failure - Lose or Win

Dive into English idioms that regard to losing or winning, like "take up the gauntlet" and "close call".







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English idioms related to Failure
close call

a situation where there is an equal chance for one to fail or succeed

to go toe to toe

to fight or compete with someone with great force, determination, and strength

to look to one's laurels

to try harder in order not to let others outdo one

to meet one's match

to be challenged by someone as equally good or slightly better than one

to take up the gauntlet

to agree to undertake a challenge

to throw down the gauntlet

to challenge someone to a fight or competition

bring it on

used to demonstrate confidence in one's skills and abilities when challenging someone

playing field

the circumstances or conditions under which competition takes place

zero-sum game

a situation in which one side can achieve victory by taking the advantage away from the other side in a competition, causing them to lose the game

dog eat dog

(in business, politics, etc.) a situation in which the competition is so fierce that everyone is willing to do whatever it takes to be successful, even if it means harming others

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