Kata Keterangan Waktu dan Tempat - Kata Keterangan Waktu
Kata keterangan waktu (adverbs of time) adalah kelas kata keterangan yang memberikan informasi tentang kapan suatu tindakan atau peristiwa terjadi, misalnya "sekarang", "sekaligus", "saat ini", dll.
Kartu flash
without unnecessary delay or detailed consideration
secara ringkas, segera
at the current moment or during the existing time
saat ini, pada saat ini
at the present time, with the understanding that the current situation or decision may be changed in the near future
untuk saat ini, sementara ini
for a limited period, usually until a certain condition changes
sementara ini, untuk sementara waktu
in a manner that is temporary or conditional, with the possibility of change or further confirmation
sementara, saat ini
for an exceptionally extended or seemingly endless duration of time
selamanya, abadi
without an end and continuing throughout all time
selamanya, tak berujung
at the exact time another event or action happens
persis pada saat, tepat ketika
in the order in which events, actions, or items occurred, following a timeline or sequence
secara kronologis
used to indicate that something that was once true or done is no longer the case
tidak lagi, lagi tidak