Sentimenti - Ansia
Scopri come modi di dire inglesi come "come apart at the cucitures" e "on pins and aghi" si riferiscono all'anticipazione in inglese.
to make someone extremely excited

rendere qualcuno estremamente eccitato
in a way one desires without being concerned about the future

come se non ci fosse tempo domani
to demonstrate signs of anxiousness, anger, or frustration in difficult situations

essere molto ansiosi o arrabbiati per qualcosa
in a very nervous or excited state because of something that is going to happen

nervoso o eccitato
used to describe someone who is in a very agitated state of mind

agitato o ansioso
to be really excited or nervous about what is going to happen

essere davvero eccitato o nervoso
an intense feeling of suspense, fear, or nervousness

uno stato di estrema paura o ansia
a sense of anxiety or urgency, because there is a lot that one must do quickly

essere in preda al panico
to have a hard time staying calm due to being extremely nervous or excited about something

nervosismo ed eccitazione
to have a tendency to become worried over something that has not yet happened

incontrare problemi a metà strada
to behave in an angry, violent, or crazy way, particularly due to overwhelming stress
used to describe someone who is extremely confused and excited

usato per descrivere qualcuno che è estremamente confuso ed eccitato
a sudden physical reaction to a strong emotional experience, such as fear, excitement, or awe, typically characterized by a cold or trembling sensation running down the back
to experience a breakdown or failure due to overwhelming stress or pressure