Comportamento e Approccio - Comportarsi educatamente
Scopri come modi di dire inglesi come "mantenere una lingua civile" e "fare cerimonia" si riferiscono al comportamento educato in inglese.
(of people, their words, or behavior) not offensive to people of different races, ethnicities, genders, etc.
behavior that is acceptable and considered to be appropriate within a certain setting

regole di comportamento, norme di etichetta

to try to behave in the best way possible so as to make a good impression or gain approval
used to tell a person that they should talk in a way that is not rude, vulgar, or offensive
said of something that is done only for the sake of formality or just to keep up appearances
to accompany a guest, visitor, etc. to the exit of a room or building
to choose words carefully so as to avoid offense or give an impression different from the truth

to deliberately hold back or lessen the force or impact of one's actions, often to avoid causing harm or offense