
Descrivere le Persone - Corpo e mente sani

Immergiti negli idiomi inglesi riguardanti il ​​corpo e la mente sani, come "fino al segno" e "nuova prospettiva di vita".







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English idioms used to Describe People
the picture of (good) health

someone who is in a good state of health

In uno stato molto sano

In uno stato molto sano

in the land of the living

used to refer to someone who is in the good state of spirit and health

vivo e vegeto

vivo e vegeto

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new lease on life

a situation where someone experiences a positive change in their health, energy levels, or outlook on life

nuova visione ottimistica della vita

nuova visione ottimistica della vita

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(as) fit as a fiddle

used to refer to someone who is very healthy and in good physical condition

Essere in buona salute

Essere in buona salute

(as) sound as a roach

free from illness or injury

suono come uno scarafaggio

suono come uno scarafaggio

up to the mark

used to refer to someone who is in a healthy state, both physically and emotionally

Essere così buono

Essere così buono

alive and well

(of people) still alive and in good health

Vivo e vegeto

Vivo e vegeto

to keep in (good) trim

to remain healthy and in good physical shape

mantenere una buona forma

mantenere una buona forma

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