
Mensen Beschrijven - Gezond lichaam en geest

Duik in Engelse idiomen over een gezond lichaam en geest, zoals 'up to the mark' en 'new lease on life'.







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English idioms used to Describe People
the picture of (good) health

someone who is in a good state of health

in perfecte gezondheid

in perfecte gezondheid

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in the land of the living

used to refer to someone who is in the good state of spirit and health

levend en wel

levend en wel

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new lease on life

a situation where someone experiences a positive change in their health, energy levels, or outlook on life

nieuwe, optimistische kijk op het leven

nieuwe, optimistische kijk op het leven

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(as) fit as a fiddle

used to refer to someone who is very healthy and in good physical condition

fysiek klaar en gezond

fysiek klaar en gezond

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(as) sound as a roach

free from illness or injury

vrij van ziekte of letsel

vrij van ziekte of letsel

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up to the mark

used to refer to someone who is in a healthy state, both physically and emotionally

gezond (fysiek en mentaal)

gezond (fysiek en mentaal)

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alive and well

(of people) still alive and in good health

nog steeds gezond en levendig

nog steeds gezond en levendig

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to keep in (good) trim

to remain healthy and in good physical shape

gezond en in goede fysieke conditie

gezond en in goede fysieke conditie

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